What is Sacrocolpopexy?

Sacrocolpopexy is a surgical procedure to repair pelvic organ prolapse. When done robotically, it is far less invasive and leads to quicker recoveries than traditional surgical techniques.

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the tissues that help support the pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, lower intestines) begin to weaken, causing one or more of these organs to drop out of place. The prolapsed organs then put pressure on the vagina and may even protrude from the opening. The pressure on the vagina can be so great at times, the upper part of the vagina can fold down into the lower part, creating a condition known as vaginal vault prolapse.


Diagram of pelvic area


Robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy is a minimally invasive method used to correct the issue and place the organs in their original position. Using much smaller incision than traditional surgical techniques, robotics surgeons maintain complete control over the procedure yet have much greater visibility with a tiny camera on the instruments and exceptional precision with robotic controllers.

A graft of tissue or a synthetic mesh that functions like a hammock or sling to support the prolapsed organs is attached to bone at the lower spinal column to provide support.

Patient benefits over standard surgery may include a lower risk of complications, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery time. Robotic surgery outcomes are correlated to the number of cases the surgeon has performed, and Dr. Robison is one of the most experienced GYN robotic surgeons in the region.

Sometimes pelvic organ prolapse can be successfully treated without surgery, so be sure to discuss your options with Dr. Robison.